Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Conversation about: Ghostbusters III

I would like to say my $0.02 about the upcoming Ghostbusters III. I'm a passing fan of the series, but I enjoyed all three films, with the 1st film being the best of the series. I also played a few of the video games, and read a few of the comics.

To put it bluntly, there needs to be a recasting of the main characters. My reasoning, is they had years to work out the in-fighting among themselves, and to talk out their issues like men. But sadly it didn't happen, and then time passed, and a 3rd film came out.

The 3rd film not being the best film out there, still was an enjoyable film. I personally would have enjoyed a new film with this cast, along with a better screenwriter and editor.

To get back to my point about this new Ghostbusters III, they need to recast the original actors, with new actors that are in their late 30s to early 40s. Then have this new film take place 15-20 years after the events of Ghostbusters II. 

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