Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Conversation about: Justice League and Aquaman

I would like to talk about Justice League and Aquaman, and how Aquaman should have come out before Justice League.

I feel that Justice League is missing many things, but one thing that could have help it was world-building. There was the Wonder Woman film, and it was a very good film. But the issue in Justice League we are given nearly the beginnings of 3 superheroes: Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg. Given the history of Barry Allen, and time travel, I can overlook the inclusion of The Flash. The Justice League film gives the viewer the origin of Cyborg, but sadly he wasn't truly the focused of the film, so it fails at connecting the viewer connect with Cyborg. Then comes Aquaman, and for most of the film he was just there, but still the character was great because of Jason Momoa's presence on the film.

Then early this month I saw Aquaman. After viewing the film, and understanding the end. Here is the Aquaman, that should have been shown before the events of Justice League. This Aquaman is a King, a King that understand the land above, his home-world, effects his Kingdom, and his current home. Having this film take place before the events of Justice League, would allows us to connect better with Aquaman, and help us the viewer to understand what is truly at stake during the events of Justice League. 

So as a King he understands that an alliance needs to be made in order to keep not just Atlantis safe, but Earth itself. So he would be willingly to be a foundering member of the Justice League, and understand that someone else is pulling Steppenwolf's strings.

So in conclusion having Aquaman that is a King of Atlantis, and a hero that understand that an alliance is needed to survive, would have made the Justice League film a better over all film. Sadly Joss Whedon is not a director or writer that understands this, and his presence made the film worse.   

A Conversation about: Ghostbusters III

I would like to say my $0.02 about the upcoming Ghostbusters III. I'm a passing fan of the series, but I enjoyed all three films, with the 1st film being the best of the series. I also played a few of the video games, and read a few of the comics.

To put it bluntly, there needs to be a recasting of the main characters. My reasoning, is they had years to work out the in-fighting among themselves, and to talk out their issues like men. But sadly it didn't happen, and then time passed, and a 3rd film came out.

The 3rd film not being the best film out there, still was an enjoyable film. I personally would have enjoyed a new film with this cast, along with a better screenwriter and editor.

To get back to my point about this new Ghostbusters III, they need to recast the original actors, with new actors that are in their late 30s to early 40s. Then have this new film take place 15-20 years after the events of Ghostbusters II. 

Tin Foil Hat Theory: Umbrella Corps

I would like to present a theory, that tries to explain the Umbrella Corps with the overall Resident Evil Lore.

The game takes place in a simulation that Red Umbrella is conducting in order to create a serum that enhances their virus or enhances soldiers in the battlefield or both. Either way, Red Umbrella stands to make money on either side of the battlefield.

The simulation in my theory could work to ways, but currently I favor one of them. A.) It is a complex simulation in the Vein of the X-Men's Danger Room or B.) It is a simulation created in the vein of The Evil Within's STEM.

As I said early I preferred one of these choices, and that choice would be the STEM. This would be a two-fold thinking, as The Evil Within was inspired by Resident Evil, and now Resident Evil is inspired by The Evil Within. Going with this choice, it allows the character to truly think he is working for umbrella, and in the real world at the same time. This only allows the character to hear different voices ie. The Commander being the voice of Wesker, and allows him to go on different locations from past Resident Evil games.

So to concluded by theory The Character has likely been in the simulation since 2008 without his knowledge. Currently Red Umbrella has a new leader, in the name of Mr. Death, Hunk himself.